A few of my favorite "mom" quotes:
"When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child" ~Sophia Loren
"Motherhood has a very humanizing effect. Everything gets reduced to essentials" ~Meryl Streep (I'm going to add that Target is included in "essentials", I'm sure all my girls are with me on this!)
"It's not easy being a mother. If it were easy, fathers would do it" ~From the television show The Golden Girls
"A mother's love is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, it never fails or falters, even though the heart is breaking” ~Helen Rice
Flowers from Nash
I enjoyed my first Mother's Day weekend by spending Saturday afternoon at Irvine Park and my cabin on Popple Lake. It was {very} chilly, but we still had a good time! We took Finley and Rocky up to the lake to get in their first swim of the season. In typical Finley fashion, she immediately jumped off the dock before anyone could throw in her water toy. She then spun in circles in the water waiting for Josh to throw in her toy. She would swim until she had a heart attack if we let her! The people that surrendered Rocky to the shelter said that he enjoyed swimming. Well, we haven't seen that side of him yet. We kind of nudged him in once, and then he was done. We're not sure if he's just nervous, or if he really doesn't enjoy it?! After letting the dogs play we decided to warm up by having dinner at Old Abe's Supper Club with my dad and Barb. I grew up going there, now it will be Nash's turn. On Sunday "Nash" surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a Happy Mother's Day balloon. What a sweet son I have! Around lunch time we headed to EC to spend that afternoon with our moms. Yet again we're so grateful that we all get along because we were able to celebrate with both of our mothers at the same time, complete with a DQ cake, yum! We love you both very much!!! My mom, Nash and I
Josh, his mom Jean, and Nash
Doing his chores! He folds laundry and does dishes!!!
Children's Museum
Grandma Debbie!
First trip to the water park!
Aside from our Mother's Day celebration, we've been busy living life and playing! Playing at the park, playing with friends, playing with toys, playing with the dogs, playing with things we're not supposed to play with, playing at the water park and playing with grandma! Play, play, play....what a life!
Children's Museum
Grandma Debbie!
First trip to the water park!
One final note~ My grandma Juanita (or who I called Minga) would've been 92 years old today! Mother's Day and her birthday were always so close, sometimes they even landed on the same day....making the celebration of "her" extra special. She was a wonderful lady with a great sense of humor. She was full of wit, wisdom, and stories that I will carry with me forever. I miss her and think of her fondly, but I know my memories of her will last me a lifetime.
This was our last picture taken together. Summer of 2004. She died that December.
Have a great rest of the week! Be sure to answer the new poll question...top right of this page.
~The Christenson's
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